
Thursday, September 5, 2013

First Week of School and Fall Favorites

Hi, friends!
Today I'm here to share with you about my first 3 days of school and also to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for their Five for Friday linky party!  Let's get right to it!

The last three days flew by and I am wiped!  Wednesday was the first day of school. Not only was it the first day of school, it was my first day teaching! Honestly, by the end I couldn't even believe it happened. I had one of those moments when I was dropping my class off at gym where I suddenly realized that this was in fact real life and that I really was experiencing my day as Miss McBride on my own! 
Whew! Like a lot of first year teachers, I went home on Wednesday completely unsure of just about everything! Did I do a good job? Did my kids enjoy it? Just tons of questions floating through my head. I think that's good though- it caused me to be self reflective and I thought about a lot and changed some things even before the kids walked in the door on Thursday.

And let me tell you... yesterday and today were amazing. I just loved it. I felt like my class was really getting it and the routines and procedures we were working through were coming together. And ya know what was really amazing? I could literally see my class coming together as a team and community before my very eyes. I saw new friendships bloom, pairs work cooperatively, leaders step up... everything- it was wonderful!

AND.... at the end of the day yesterday I ran into a parent in the hall who told me that her son came home on the first day raving about how awesome his class was and how much he loved the first day of school. Oh my heavens my heart just about flipped upside down (and over and over again) in my chest. For someone who felt like a whirlwind on day 1, that was the best thing I could have heard.
Bottom line? :: I just adore my kiddos- and it's only day three!! :)

Also, My parents sent me flowers to school yesterday! How stinkin' precious is that?!?!  Pretty dang precious if you ask me!
Thanks, Mom and Dad!
 And now for the linky! 
I'm absolutely loving that it's starting to feel like fall. It does officially mean that summer is coming to a close but it is also the season for some of my very favorite things.
Here are my top Five for Friday fall favorites....
1. Pumpkin Spice Lattes.
I have one word to describe these.... magical

2. Scarf Season. 
I have a scarf obsession. I just love them. My very favorites (which I will be able to start wearing really soon) are from Njabini Apparel. Njabini is the name of the place in Kenya that I lived while I was there. Their mission is "to enable poor families living in Kenya to increase their income and achieve their dreams." How beautiful is that?!!!? 
Photo Credit: Brandon Jones // Sweet Hannah modeling some beautiful Njabini scarves :)
This is my sister and I last year at the JDRF walk in Boston- obv wearing my Njabini scarf

3. The foliage. 
I just love love love when the leaves change. I also love hiking up mountains in the Adirondacks to see views like this one! Stunning!

4. Apple Picking
What a fun activity apple picking is! I just love it! Then I have fresh apples for so long that I can bring along with me whenever or bake scrumptious treats with! Mmmm- apple crisp is one of my favs! 
My sweet friend, Lizzie and I apple picking!

5. Giving thanks
A friend and I have made it a daily occurrence to look for 5 things every day that are blessings that we are thankful for. It's been such a cool and rich experience to intentionally think of the things each day that are blessings that we all too often brush past and don't acknowledge. I've loved making this a daily practice but with the season of fall comes Thanksgiving which makes us all think about what we're thankful for... and that's something I just love every single year. 
AND... it's Friday, everyone!!
....which I think will always always always make this teacher's heart smile! 


  1. Awwww it sounds like you're off to a fantastic start! Congratulations! I've just found your blog through the linky and started following along. I look forward to seeing more about your experiences as the year goes.

    I'm in New Zealand so we're just entering spring... I've seen those pumpkin spice lattes all over the internet so I'll have to keep an eye out next year when it's out turn for the leaves to start falling... hopefully they have them here too!

    x Serena x
    Magic Mistakes & Mayhem

    1. I'm so glad you're following along! I can't wait to blog about my journey!!

      Definitely keep your eyes peeled for a pumpkin latte- they are magical and everyone should get to enjoy them :)

      Have a wonderful day!

  2. That is so sweet that your parents sent you flowers for your first day!

    1. It sure was!!! They're pretty great! :) Thanks for swinging by, Kelly!!

  3. ISN'T GOD AMAZING?!?!?! Congratulations on an amazing start, you are such a blessing to those little kids (and your co-workers) as well as all of us who get to go through life with you!! :)) I have been praying for you and the Lord answered big time (would we expect otherwise??) xoxoxo

    1. Kathy you are such a blessing! Thank you for praying for me and supporting me on this journey! I love that you get to read this :) Of course God answered big time! He continues to! I love you!

  4. Hi! I'm so glad you wrote because I was looking at your blog and your pictures, and I could tell you were definitely in Massachusetts! I'm happy your first week went well - especially being brand new!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Susan. It's always exciting to meet a local blogger. We are actually a "two-man team". Colleen is a first year teacher and I am starting my (gulp)18th year. I work as a Reading Specialist now after spending many years in Special Education.

      Thanks again,

  5. Hello! Thanks for your nice comments on my blog - so happy you did that because then I could come over and find yours! I'm a follower now. Nice to meet you! : )
    Whimsy Workshop Teaching
