
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Happy Tuesday....Stacy's October Currently

We are celebrating the first few weeks of school by joining Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for her monthly CURRENTLY linky party.  We love to read what everyone is up to at school and in their everyday life! This month you will get to hear what Stacy is currently feeling as the leaves start to change in New England!

I had TWO SURPRISE VISITORS today!  My husband and son, Logan stopped by school on their way to my step-son's cross country meet.  I was ELATED when Logan immediately dove into a basket of books on my counter.  This picture was taken as I was sitting at my desk, listening to him read.  It's such an exciting feeling when a child's reading starts coming together and taking off!  Super Job, Nugget!
YIPPEEEEEEE!  DIBELS Benchmark testing is done until January!!  In three weeks, the Reading Tutors and I tested, scored, entered data, and ran reports on approximately 250 students in my school.  Wipe the sweat from my brow....I am DIBEL DABBLED out!   A worthwhile task but I am anxious to discuss this information at our weekly data meetings and get my groups started! 
I currently am taking courses towards a CAGS (Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies) in Literacy degree through the University of New England.  It is a 15 credit program for educators who wish to delve deeper into current best practices in reading and writing instruction.  The program is unique in that it's completely online.  I wasn't sure how I was going to like it but interestingly, it has been incredible.  I have loved meeting people from all over the world and learning more about their ideas and struggles around teaching literacy.  The next course that I take focuses on the struggling learner which should be really interesting and relevant to my work.  Although I'm excited to continue with my coursework, I've been thinking about how I'm going to squeeze all my responsibilities into my everyday life.  It can sometimes be a tricky juggling act!!

Ahhhhhhhh.....I found this picture on my camera.  I make a MEAN frozen margarita!  Although I'm loving the seasonably crisp fall days, I would love a chilly beverage in my hand while laying on the beach :)   Just for a couple of days!

Speaking of mother made me feel incredibly guilty when she asked me if I had all my autumn decorations up yet.  Nope!  Not a pumpkin or gourd can be found in my house!  Again, it goes back to finding time to do everything with a packed week and an even busier weekend.  But really?  If I don't have mums in my planters, is the world going to end?  Jeez, mother!
Or maybe it's a trick?  Either way, I LOVE this idea!  I really am not that crafty (see above) but I THINK I can handle this project....I just have to find the time :)  Click for directions!!
Have a GREAT rest of your month, friends!  Here's to jumping in leaves, pumpkin spice candles, crisp morning air, and hayrides with the ones you love!


  1. How do you like the online classes? I've been thinking of getting a CAGS as well, but so far, I haven't found anything that makes me want to spend the time and money. I'd love to hear your thoughts on UNE!

    :) Kaitlyn
    Smiles and Sunshine

    1. Kaitlyn,
      I've been really pleased with UNE's program. When I started researching different CAGS programs, I wanted to find something that was going to be relevant to my position and also affordable. I was hesitant at first going with an online program, but I've really learned a lot. The program is 15 credits (5 courses) and you can stretch them out over a few years if you want to. I have found the workload manageable. It's nice to be able to work this around my day to day schedule. I just have to keep myself organized.

  2. A frozen margarita does sound yummy! Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading your currently!


  3. Hi girls,
    I had to scroll down to the bottom and yes I was right...Honey Bunch did your blog...I LOVE them!!! Your blog is darling by the way! I could use a margarita too. Happy Fall!
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

    1. I love finding other Honey Bunch designs!! They were so much fun to work with! Thanks for stopping by Vicky! Keep in touch!

  4. I love those milk jug ghosts! I hope you are having a wonderful week!

    1. Thanks, Lauren! You too! And congratulations again on being featured this month! Bravo!!
