
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Easy and cute thank you gifts with a {freebie}! :)

Hi everyone! Well, I've been down and out with pneumonia since last Wednesday and it's been just awful! I have some bad asthma and so it was a real bad combination. I've also now missed 3 days of school and I'm really missing being at work! :( BUT, thankfully I feel a lot better today and I have more energy than I've had since last Tuesday and I'm planning on being back at it tomorrow (though the snow coming may have some other plans). 

Anyway, since I've missed so much school there have been a LOT of people that have stepped in and helped out tremendously. I'm so thankful for the school community that I'm a part of. So many of my colleagues have called, texted, or emailed me every day to check in and see how I'm doing and their care and compassion has been so kind and genuine. I'm very grateful. 

To show my gratitude, I decided to use my energy today to make some thank you gifts. Ready for the easiest and cutest thank you tutorial ever? Here we go...

You will need:
1 bag of pretzel snaps (the square ones)
1 bag of M&Ms (any type but I chose milk chocolate valentine)
2 bags of rolos

(I honestly used 6 bags of rolos because I made a LOT of gifts as well as some for the retreat I'm going on this weekend so adjust the ingredients based on your needs!)

To prepare: unwrap all your rolos and preheat the oven to 350 degrees!
Then follow these simple directions!
Click the above picture or here to get your freebie gift tags!

I'm sure ready to be back at school... here's hoping the snow doesn't trump my plans to be in tomorrow! Happy Monday, all!

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