
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Stacy's January Currently

Happy New Year 2014, Friends!  I am so excited to be linking up with Farley from Oh' Boy 4th Grade for her monthly Currently linky.  This month is especially special as I get to reflect on last year's events and aspire for the year ahead.
Aahhhhhh, I just discovered Pandora's relaxation radio station.  Although I kind-of wish that I was getting a full body massage while listening to this beautiful music, I am perfectly content snuggled up in my bed, my dog at my feet, and a cup of tea beside me.  The bonus is that my little guy is outside playing with his friends so it is perfectly tranquil in my house (at least for the next ten minutes or so).  I'm loving it!!
What a treat when my phone rang last night and our superintendent announced a snow day for today AND Friday!  WHOO HOOO!  We're expecting over a foot of snow over the next couple of days so lots of hot chocolate, snow angels, sledding, and snuggling by the fire with be happening at my house!  Thank you for the extra break, Mother Nature!
Colleen and I are thrilled to be starting a new adventure with other Reading Specialists, classroom teachers, and interventionists across the world.  We have joined a new collaborative blog that will concentrate on bringing our readers best practices in the field of literacy.  Please stop by the Adventures in Literacy Land's Facebook page or blog page for an exciting giveaway beginning January 6th.  You won't want to miss out on the awesome freebies we will be offering for our new followers!
Many people on Facebook have been sharing a word that exemplifies what their wishes are for the new year.  While thinking about this, I decided that the word "HOPE" best signifies what I am going to be striving towards in the new year for both personal and professional reasons.  It was pretty cool when I read my husband's Christmas card this year and found that without knowing it at the time, he had purchased the perfect card for me.  I love the way he put asterisks around my special word.
I part of my aspiration this year that complements my word HOPE, is finding better ways to deal with stress and feelings of unbalance in my life.  After doing a little research online, I discovered a really interesting form of yoga called Restorative Yoga that I had the opportunity to try out yesterday.  Without too much thinking (because I would have talked myself out of if), I signed myself up for a two hour Restorative yoga class yesterday.  I figured it was January 1st so it was the perfect day to start!  Wow!  I absolutely loved it!  Besides feeling tranquil, balance, and peace, I also felt like I had just received a two hour massage!  It was incredible!  Boy!  Did I sleep like a ROCK last night!  If you've never tried it, I highly recommend it!
Does anyone recognize this book from childhood?  My mother read it every Christmas Eve to my sister, brother, and I then we got to open up one present.  I don't know how we convinced her to do that!  Probably a lot of begging!  Well, I was PSYCHED when I found a tattered copy at a garage sale a few years ago.  Now my little guy has the pleasure of listening to the same story his mama did when she was a little girl.  Pretty cool!
Best wishes in the new year, friends!  May all your dreams and aspirations come true!!


  1. Hi Girls,

    I just found your blog over at Farley's Currently and fell in love with your blog design! Simply adorable:) I look forward to reading more on Adventures in Literacy Land too.

    The Resourceful Apple

    1. Thank you, Tammy! We are excited about our new adventure!


  2. Hi there! I found your blog through the currently linky! That is so AWESOME that you get to have 2 extra days off. Enjoy it and try to stay warm :)
    I have never heard of Restorative Yoga... but you've made it sound amazing. I'll have to see if my gym has something like it! Thanks for sharing!
    Mrs. Thompson
    Adventures in Teaching (A First Grade Blog)
    My TpT Store

    1. You're welcome! I'm actually going to try out another class tomorrow but at a different studio. I'm hoping it's just as good and gets me ready for the first crazy week back to school :)


  3. I got here from the Currently linky and did not realize that you were part of the Adventures in Literacy... I am so excited about what y'all have to bring!! I am a newbie so I would live for you to stop by my tiny tiny blog :)

    Kickin It Whole Brain In Texas

    1. Thanks for stopping by Chelsea! We are excited for this new adventure!

